JRS Santiago Academy

Maximizing your potential with JRS

Best Coaching for IIT JAM, GATE, JEST, TIFR, GRE & M.Sc Entrance, CSIR – NET/JRF ………………..Tamil Nadu Board XII, XI, X (MPCB)

Director’s Message

It is a great pleasure and honor for me to serve as the Director of JRS Santiago Academy.

The Institute is committed to create an ambience for nurturing innovation, creativity and excellence among students.

Our students have the exceptional training in basics in their discipline. We set our vision on specialized coaching topics in Physics, Chemistry, periodical tests
and Model exams.

Right from inception JRS Santiago Academy has become a popular brand in Chennai, and I strongly believe it will unleash its potential to accomplish great things in the future. My best wishes will remain with you as you navigate your responsibilities, and my doors are always open for you.